Bitless Bridles, Testimonials
Bitless Bridles are becoming increasingly popular as
many people are having such huge success with this kinder and more
effective form of communicating with their horses. To add your
testimonial, contact Teresa at info@naturalhoof.co.nz

"Just thought I'd give you some feedback on the bitless bridles. I got my
new horse just over a month ago. She did a lot of head tossing, trying to get
the bit off her tongue, trying to put her head between her knees and not to
mention the buck. She over bent, and was not that comfortable to get going. I
needed spurs to keep her moving and it was a battle to get the bridle on.
I purchased a Natural Hoof Biothane Bitless Bridle and gave it a go. The first few times
it felt weird and I was nervous as to how much control I had. It was new to
both of us so we were both learning something new at the same time. I decided
to continue with it and I am so please I did. With light hands and combined with
the other natural aids, the difference has been unbelievable. All the years of
having horses that did the same and getting different bits or nose bands to keep
their mouths shut. This fixed those issues. It wasn't instant as it was a new
feeling and we had to get used to it. But it did work.

After a month, the head tossing has stopped. She doesn't fight with me
when I put the bridle on. She keeps her mouth shut and tongue in her head. She
doesn't try to put her head down to buck and she moves forward so much
better. She is relaxed and I am not going back to a bit. I have jumped her in
it as well, no need for a martingale as she doesn't throw her head up. The
Natural Hoof Biothane Bitless has worked for her. She is a sensitive horse especially in the
area of her mouth and tongue pressure. I recommend these bridles and my horse
would thank you if she could talk.
It also has made going for a hack so much better as well. I was wary of taking
her out on the road in it at first but she is happy, so that makes me happy.
She is keen to go for rides now and so very easy to catch. She is not
anticipating any pain in her mouth and it is so nice to have her so relaxed
Thanks, Kind Regards
Kiri (NZ)
I got the bitless for my new horse (standardbred). He takes a bit but every
time I put it in he would put his head up so high I couldn't get it on without
problems cause I couldn't reach. Then taking it off was the same. I think he
was waiting for the clank on his teeth. Riding, his head was up high as
I ride my other horse in a bitless so decided to give him a go in hers to see if
it made a difference to him. Within only a few times in using it he began to
lower his head when I put the bitless bridle on. Taking it off at first he was
waiting for a clunk on his teeth but now he lowers his head really low for me to
It is so much easier. I was having to stand on the fence to get it on and
off without hurting him in the normal bitted bridle. Also his head is beginning
to come down when riding him, which in turn is making him a bit more comfortable
to ride. He is happier for me to catch him and more relaxed going out for a
hack. Getting another Bitless bridle for him was well worth the money
Kiri (NZ)

Hi Teresa,
I have just bought a Bitless Bridle for my pony who has Cob facial formation.
We had our initial ride today with the Natural Hoof Bitless Bridle and Jester responded extremely well - did stops, turns
and everything very willingly and instantly. He had such a funny look on his face when it went on and there
was no bit - looked at me as if to say "haven't you forgotten
It seems to fit ok after a couple of adjustments, there's plenty of adjustment
to fit his broad head.
So I'm pleased with it so far, and will be keeping it, no worries.
This morning's modelling session (for the picture) was hilarious as (the Court) Jester thought one of the straps was supposed to go in his mouth,
then when the bridle was on he started to chew the ? bit (where's it
gone?) and smacked his lips and teeth around (trying to find it)!
Hi Teresa,
Last year I purchased a bitless bridle for my mare which has turned
out to be a brilliant purchase. I have ridden her several times now
and she goes very kindly.
It is a big difference to the year before when
ridden in a snaffle. She would often toss her head around and
generally fuss with her mouth although I always rode her on a loose
Humphrey (my Shetland) looks very smart in his bridle also, and the bonus is
that no rider will be able to drag on his mouth (namely my little grandaughter)
while learning to ride, which makes for a happier little pony.
Thankfully I found out about your bridles and am so pleased
I bought one. Thank you.
When I purchased my mare 18 months ago, she was very difficult to bridle, was
reluctant to open her mouth to accept the bit, and also was extremely sensitive
about having the bridle pulled over her ears.
She continually jogged when we were out hacking, held her head very high, with her jaw set against the bit, and seemed to constantly over-react to outside stimulus - I really felt it was almost like she was trying to put me off the ride, so that she could get back home and have the bridle removed!
She also has two extra supernumary teeth, which is very unusual, and although the vet told me that these teeth would not hurt her when bridled, I did wonder if this was indeed the case?..
I am also very interested in more natural methods of horsemanship, and did not feel comfortable at all with the concept of a bit. In fact, I used to cringe myself every time I put the bridle on, and could totally understand and sympathise with her when she didn't want to open her mouth to accept the bit!
I mentioned my concerns to my riding instructor, and she directed me to the
Natural Hoof web site, where she said she had seen bitless bridles for sale. Also, my mare had in the meantime got a cut on the side of her mouth which prevented me riding with a bitted bridle in any event, so I rode her in the forest in a halter to see what she was like - and discovered that I had as much control as when I rode in the bitted bridle, there really wasn't any difference! If anything, she did seem to go more kindly. This further spurred me into action to try the bitless bridle!
When I received the bridle, I did as advised and tried doing a series of turns and halts to assess its impact before going out for a ride. She picked up the new signals very quickly, and our first ride out went really well. She seemed much happier immediately, no jogging at all, her head carriage was lower, no set jaw and generally calmer.
My instructor was interested to see how she was going in our next lesson, as she had never taught anyone who had used a bitless bridle before, and wondered whether the concept of "contact" would be the same, and whether it would be any different to teach "bitless". During the lesson, we decided that it made no difference at all, and my instructor agreed that she thought my mare went a lot more kindly and had much better head carriage in the bitless bridle.
And it's been a success story ever since ... even the actual bridling is becoming easier and easier. I do things in reverse to fitting the standard bitted bridle - I settle the bridle over her ears first and then adjust the straps to fit, instead of pulling the bridle over the ears last, with its associated tugging and prodding to get the ears through.
I would recommend the bitless bridle to anyone, and suggest that, even if you are a bit unsure, just have a go in an enclosed area and gauge it from there - I think you will be pleasantly surprised at just how much control you do still have, and at how much happier your horse obviously is!!! I am much happier too, as the concept of a bitless bridle fits much better with my philosophies. We're a very happy team!
Lisa and Gus (North Auckland)

Hi, Just thought I would quickly email these pictures to you. Thanks for the bridle - it
fits our mini - Licquorice - really well and he goes so much better than
when he was in a snaffle.
He hasn't been broken in properly and my daughter, although she has
another pony that she rides seriously, rides the miniature for fun
which he loves too, but he does swing his head around and do a lot of
mouthing in the bit and it is quite obvious that he finds a bit very
My daughter actually has a stop button on him now in the bitless bridle
and he responds so much better in turning as well.
Thanks again.
Kind regards,
For more information about the bitless bridles and how they work, go to our bitless bridle article
To view the Natural Hoof selection of cross-over bitless bridles, or to purchase using our secure server, go to our online shop.
Any questions, email Teresa at: info@naturalhoof.co.nz
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